Get a better personalized service at serviced apartments
If the degree of service given by accommodation is important to you, a serviced apartment will often provide you with far better and more personalized service than a hotel would for a variety of reasons, beginning with the nature of serviced apartments and who they cater to.
Staff in a Serviced Apartment understand you Better
Unlike hotels, singapore serviced apartment often cater to guests who are staying for an extended period, such as a week, a month, or several months. This gives the front desk receptionist and other staff a better opportunity to observe you and what you like and dislike so that they can provide you with more personalized service.
It should also be noted that serviced residences typically employ smaller staff because there is less demand for daily housekeeping services and fewer restaurant-style eating options on the premises. This implies you’ll be interacting with fewer employees who will be more likely to remember your name and vice versa.
Serviced apartments provide you feel of home
Serviced apartments were originally designed to be used as long-term accommodations for business travelers, units are typically much larger than your typical hotel room, with even the most basic serviced apartment likely having separate living and sleeping areas designed to make you feel like you’re staying in a home rather than a confined hotel room.
This home-like feeling is especially crucial if you will be staying somewhere for more days because, after a long day at the office or in meetings all around town, the last thing you want to do is return to an impersonal hotel room that feels like a home.
Furthermore, if you plan to remain for an extended amount of time, many service apartment operators will assist you in personalizing your flat to meet your needs or the needs of your family. It is a crucial consideration if you are traveling with young children.
Another significant advantage of staying in such an singapore serviced apartment is that you might feel more like a local than a tourist staying in a hotel room. After all, rather than eating at a hotel restaurant, you can go grocery shopping in a local neighborhood supermarket to cook at home or eat out in local neighborhood cafes.
Likewise, while staying in a hotel long-term makes it very to meet or get to know other gueststhey are likely only going to be staying for a short period, staying in an apartment means you will inevitably be seeing familiar faces every day using the elevator or the facilities such as the gym or the pool.