Timber Garden Shed: Sheds That Built To Last
People usually consider small outdoor garden sheds of quaint wooden structures. No doubt, timber resonates with nature and earthiness. Gardening is interchangeable, and timber conjures elements of coziness, essential for the homes and outdoors as yards are the extension of houses.
When looking for a kind of garden shed to make, pressure-treated timber is ideal for the framework. Never get confused with pressure-treated with exterior treatment. The pressure-treated timber garden sheds last longer than the timber treated by some other methods and come with an anti-rot guarantee.
Benefits of timber garden shed
- Aesthetics. There is no denying the impactful look and solidness that a timber garden shed lends to your house. It is classic; the natural material blends and conforms to any garden and landscape.
- Versatility. Timber can be stained, painted, and left to weather naturally. It is easy to attach the shelves to the walls of the timber structure, unlike with the other types of material. It is easy to change the exterior and color quickly.
- Durability. You can enjoy the shed for years using the right timber, and not chipboard. These are structures with strong joinery for peace of mind.
- Natural insulation. Opposed to the plastic and metal structures, timber sheds remain warmer in winter and cooler in summer; they are made of organic.
- Environmentally friendly. Wood is one of nature’s wonders, and it is environmentally friendly. Thus, it is the main reason a timber garden shed reigns compared to the other types. You will do your part for the environment when purchasing from a reliable supplier who ensures the wood can be harvested legally and from the right sources.
Types of timber to use when building shed
A backyard shed is everyone’s dream project. Are you one of those looking for types of wood to consider when constructing a timber garden shed? Here are the top 2 best types of wood for garden sheds:
- Framing lumber
- Pressure-Treated lumber
Framing lumber
Every wooden shed has some underlying wall and roof frame built with framing lumber. It is also called construction-grade lumber, the wood is 1-1/2 inches thick solid fir. The good old 2×4 is the most common framing lumber used to build sheds. The size of most backyard sheds, 2x4s are usually used for both roof and wall frames. For something more convenient, consider DIY shed kits to get started.
Pressure-treated lumber
The wood is like regular framing lumber, except it has been factory-treated, reducing or preventing rot. At any time, you can build something with wood in a few inches of soil, it must be the pressure-treated lumber. But, there are different kinds of pressure-treated lumber, the most common is mildly treated against rot. A pressure-treated lumber with the most durable form is made for below-ground foundations.
The wood has been treated enough that it would not rot, not even when in contact with the damp soil for decades.