Lighting the Modern Educational Facility

Designing a new educational facility can be a daunting task due to its high visibility and level of public scrutiny. Fortunately, one of the most critical aspects of design – lighting – is one that architects can control with great precision. By using various combinations and types of light in the conventional sense (as illumination) and in its color spectrum (as mood), architects can create spaces that work seamlessly with their natural surroundings while promoting productivity, engagement, wellness, and health awareness. Go to and learn more facts.

Adding lighting to a design is educating facility stakeholders and finding creative ways to integrate the technology. In terms of education, architects and facilities managers (who can often be at odds with each other) need to agree on how lighting will be implemented from the outset of the project, even if it isn’t integrated into the original design. For example, many architects want in-wall AC power for all light fixtures. It allows them greater control during construction; however, that usually isn’t possible because of NEC (National Electrical Code) requirements involving ground fault circuit interrupters. The compromise solution is to fit all fixtures with GFCI-enabling plug-in bases.

Modern Educational Facility

The International Conference on Building Physics (ICBP) is a respected international professional organization dedicated to advancing education, research, and the professional practice of physics and related disciplines through research, technical papers, high-quality conferences, and professional development opportunities. The ICBP conference series annually attracts more than 1,000 participants from around the world to attend presentations on new research findings and trends in a variety of areas such as building physics, mechanical engineering and materials science, environmental science and engineering, computer simulation and modeling as well as industrial applications including power systems design, electronics, and semiconductors design.


Artificial lighting is a technology that has shaped human destiny from the beginning of modern culture. Early man was a nomad at the dawn of history, moving freely in search of wild game and other natural resources, taking his knowledge and possessions with him wherever he went. The invention of artificial lighting made the construction of permanent settlements possible, which led to specialized occupations and eventually to a division of labor. The existence of myriad forms of artificial light has been a major contributing factor to civilization’s development as we know it today.

Additionally, as civilization progressed, modern man took on the task of not only improving lighting technology but also expanding its uses in ways that would forever alter the human condition. Many of these uses were essential to the waging of war, which was at one time the primary driving force behind technological innovation. Often, however, new advances in lighting have had little or nothing to do with the practicalities of warfare.