Everything To Know About The Basics Of RV Water Heaters

RV camping has become a huge trend these days. And for the experience to be more comfortable, it is important that you have everything that you need, including a hot water source. That is why before you go out on a long RV trip, then you need to know the basics of choosing and maintaining your water heaters for rv.

Pick a Fuel Source

When choosing an RV water heater, there are different types that you can choose from depending on the fuel source that you prefer. There are three primary types of RV water heaters – liquid propane, electricity, and motoraid.

  • Liquid Propane. This is the most preferred by entry-level RVs, whether it’s a travel trailer, motorhome, or camper. This is an older system but a reliable one. With liquid propane water heaters, there are two options, manual pilot light and one with direct spark ignition.
  • In more modern RVs, they use electric water heaters. However, this is only applicable if you will be camping in an area where there is access to electricity. It can also be run using generator power.
  • This is a bit complicated than the other two options above but most loved by RV techies. This system works by circulating the fluid from the engine’s cooling system and through the hot water heater. This even works even while you are driving.

water heaters for rv

Tank vs Tankless

Another thing to consider when choosing an RV water heater is to choose from tanked or tankless options. Even though those with tanks are a bit old school, they have been around for a long time and they are trusted. And even though the tankless models are fairly new, they are also becoming more and more popular.

The Importance of Anode Rods

Anode rods are very important for your RV water heater. This will help you avoid hard-water corrosion that can possibly happen inside the tank. They are easy to install and it is crucial that you check them from time to time. If you think that the rod looks corroded, then it is crucial that you remove it and install a new one as soon as possible. 

These days, it is now easy to find the best camper hot water heater for your RV. Still, it is important that you know the basics of RV water heaters. This way, you will know exactly how to choose and maintain one.

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