Here’s How Dirty Carpets Affect The Health of Your Family

A dirty carpet may seem harmless but what most homeowners don’t know is that this can affect your family’s health or worse that is why it is always worth it to hire carpet cleaning, Tallahassee, Florida. In fact, there are unseen dangers that lie beneath an uncleaned carpet. We, humans, are often fooled by appearances. What may seem okay and safe for us, maybe dangerous to everyone involved? If you don’t believe us, here are some facts to take note of.

* A carpet can hold 4 times its weight in dirt

* A carpet is able to hold up to about 200,000 bacteria for every square inch

* The quality of indoor air may be 8 to 20 times worse than outdoor air quality

* 75% of people walk on carpets wearing dirty shoes

* Carpets are more likely to attract greasy residue and dirt

* Your carpet depreciates faster because of sandy soil

* Uncleaned carpets are bad news for those suffering from eczema, allergy, asthma, and rhinitis

Here’s something to think about: your carpet absorbs organic matter, such as moisture, beverages, food crumbs, smoke, pollen, dust, dirt, skin cells, hair, and so much more, for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You can only imagine how much harmful bacteria have been stuck in your carpet for such a long time without it being cleaned.

Carpet Cleaning

Health Dangers of a Dirty Carpet

Skin irritation and infections

With a dirty carpet that has accumulated a wide range of bacteria, it is no surprise that those living inside the house may start getting all these kinds of infections. An uncleaned carpet is a hub for microorganisms that can irritate your eyes and skin. Furthermore, it can become a breeding ground for house pests, such as cockroaches and rats, which will only bring more dangers to the health of your loved ones.

High stress levels

Carpet cleaning is common in Tallahassee, Florida because homeowners know for a fact that a dirty carpet can cause so many problems inside the house, including high stress levels. In fact, the relationship between a dirty environment and high stress levels has been proven in several studies.

Various respiratory issues

Dirty carpets can trap so many things like dust and other volatile compounds that can cause various respiratory issues. When someone walks on a dirty carpet, these harmful substances may be kicked into the air and inhaled by the people around; thus, potentially causing asthma attacks.


Carpet cleaning, Tallahassee, Florida also know that the effects of an uncleaned carpet can cause a domino effect. You see, a simple act of cleaning your carpet can go a long way. From infections to high stress levels and respiratory issues, there are also allergies that may have been caused by the build-up of dust and molds in your carpet.

Final Thoughts

Every homeowner in Tallahassee, Florida should be well aware of companies that provide carpet cleaning services. Having their contact number on hand can be very useful and a lot more convenient because maintenance is always better than having to treat or cure illnesses. Carpet cleaning lowers the chances of bacteria build-up inside your house; thus, making it safer for everyone in the family!

Not all carpet cleaning, Tallahassee, Florida services are made equal. Only trust carpet cleaning services with a proven track record such as Extreme Carpet Care. Contact us today!

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